I am a Paranormal Investigator who lives in Salem, IN., and have been in the paranormal field for fifteen years. When I decided to buy a home I didn't realize that I would be buying a home that had other residents other than my family. There have been many reports of strange occurences, ( Not strange to me) by friends and family members that I felt it was time to share some of them with the public. The main objective in this Blog is mainly to share with you some of those experiences with you, the reader. From those experiences I can honestly say that I beleive there are at least three or four enities that reside here with me and my family. One is a little girl, an older woman, an older man, and another man who seems to remain slient, at least more then the others. The previous owners of the home were an older couple. So, as time goes by and the occurances happen I will post them. There are a number to post since the first day that we moved into the home in 2003.